Bands & Caller
Pete’s Posse
Pete’s Posse is composed of acclaimed musician Pete Sutherland (fiddle, piano, banjo and vocals), his protégé Oliver Scanlon (fiddle, mandolin, dobro, foot percussion and vocals) and the dynamic Tristan Henderson (guitars, mandolin, jaw harp, bodhran, foot percussion and vocals). “If you ever wondered what happiness sounds like you should come listen to Pete’s Posse play a contra dance or better yet: DANCE to them.” – Mary Wesley, dance caller, VT.
Joey Dorwart (Drums, saxaphone), Andrae Raffield (fiddle), and Jimi Peirano (guitar) are relative newcomers on the contra dance scene have been called, “the finest Contra Band in our Land.” Pushing the envelope of traditional contra Folk Music into oblivion and lifting younger feet into the ozone, satisfying their taste in epic Millennium Trance Dance tune-age.
Will Mentor
Will Mentor is a contra and square dance caller from Northern Vermont known for his clear teaching, upbeat wit, and relaxed stage presence. He loves to choreograph evenings with a variety of dances and tempos that sometimes surprise and always delight, all the while keeping intact his guiding principle as a caller: “It’s about the dancers!”